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1 . Can my child contact me while they are on camp?

Of course! This can be anything from a one-off call to an arranged schedule which we can discuss when you arrive on camp.

2. What does a typical day on camp look like?

Our days are structured around 'faith, family, and fun'. We attend mass once a day, encourage the boys to make the experience their own through helping with chores and working as teams, as well undertaking a wide variety of both on-site and off-site activities throughout the week.

3. What is your phone policy on camp?

We have a general no-phone policy on Camp - this extends to leaders too; we do not use our phones around the boys, enabling us all to focus on the activities and life on camp and avoid outside distractions. However, boys may bring their phones to camp, but they must be given to our designated leaders who will look after them for the week. On external trips away from the site, boys can have their phones back if they want them, and they can also be used to contact parents if requested.

4. Does my boy need to take money on camp?

Yes, we generally recommend around £20-£25. We have a day out in the middle of the week where boys have the opportunity to go shopping - KFC and Cadbury's World are some of the regular haunts. We also provide a tuck shop of various snacks and drinks which boys can enjoy between meal times and activites.

5. What happens if my child has an accident?

We’ll handle it on-site if it’s not too serious. We’ll keep you informed and let you speak to your child if you’d like. In the case of a major incident, we’ll call 999 for an ambulance and then contact you.

6. My child has a severe allergy/medical condition, can they still come to camp?

Yes, but please bear in mind we are an activity camp so we might not be able to accommodate certain serious medical conditions. If you are unsure, please send us an email.


We can discuss any requirements when you arrive at the start of camp; your boy or the designated allergy leader can hold onto prescriptions/medication etc.

7. My child doesn't know anyone on camp, will they still be OK to go?

Absolutely! We have campers who come without knowing anyone every year. Our camp environment is incredibly inclusive and welcoming, you can click here to read a review from a parent of a child who was on Camp 2024 and initially didn’t know anyone.

8. How many campers attend the Don Bosco camp?

Anywhere from 25-50 but we aim to have a camp towards the top of that range.

9. Can I drop my child off early on the first day of camp?

Preferably no - we will still be setting up various parts of camp to be ready for the week during the day, so please drop your child off at the suggested time. If you must do an early drop-off, please let us know in advance so we can work around this.

10. What happens if I am late to pick up my child at the end of the week?

Please let us know ahead of time if possible, we still stay on-site with your child until you arrive.

11. What is your cancellation policy?

In general, the fee to attend camp is non-refundable. When booking to attend Don Bosco Camp, we ask for a non-refundable £50 deposit to reserve the boy's place. Then, one month before camp (June), an email will be sent requesting the remaining balance. Any refunds after this point will be at the Camp Leader's discretion. 

12. What is your safeguarding policy?

We take safeguarding very seriously at the Portsmouth Diocese Don Bosco Camp, and the boys' safety is our utmost concern. All our leaders are fully DBS checked and undertake regular training through the Portsmouth Diocese. We also surpass national guidelines in adult-to-child ratios, as well as strictly adhering to our own policy of pairing up when with the boys. If you have any questions about anything to do with safeguarding on camp, please do get in touch and we'd be happy to talk further.

13. Do you have to be Catholic/religious to attend camp?

No - inclusion is a central tenet of our Don Bosco Camp, and we welcome boys of all faiths (or none!). All that we ask in return is that the boys are willing to participate and respect in the religious aspects of camp, and accept those of a different faith.

14. What sort of leaders run the camp?

We are made up of a variety of ages, ranging from young leaders at 17 up to leaders in their 50s. We have a diverse range of professional backgrounds such as architects, pilots, teachers, police officers, and university students, equipping us with a broad range of skills, expertise, and personalities!

St Cassian's Centre, Wallingtons Rd, Kintbury, Hungerford RG17 9SR

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